The first step is setup - and it's important when setting train addresses with the Piko Digi Fern that everything is set up correctly. There are two ways to set the address:
- on the main layout;
- on a service track.
Special note for those programming on the main layout line - please disconnect all accessories (such as DCC Cobalt switch engines or similar) and LED lights before continuing. I have lost a few LEDs due to this oversight, as well as reprogrammed a couple of accessories!
(My service track is just a bit of G231 (Piko H0 55201 H0
Setting the Train Address with the Piko Digi Fern
The special key to start programming is usually the third from the left on the top row, next to the red "stop" button.It looks like a double-branch or double point. There's a similar single point one next to it, used to activate DCC accessories like points and switches.
I'll call this key [P] for now. The key sequence is:
- [P][P][train address]
During the process of setting the address, the loco will move, in twitches, so it's best to start with it as far back on the service track as possible.
Once programming has finished (and the light on the IR receiver has stopped flashing), the train can be selected using the train button, followed by the loco address. When the system is switched on, the A - D keys are allocated to loco addresses 1 - 4, so it is easiest to stick with these numbers, as just the 'channel select' button A to D can be used to pick up control of a loco.
The official Piko Digital User Guide has now been translated into English, and can be downloaded from the Piko Web Site.
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thank you very much that was very helpful as I could not find any reference to the programing button in the manual or just simply did not cross my mind that this button has be pressed in order to set up the loco addresses from what I have read