Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Setting up IguanaWorks IR with the Piko Digi-Fern

One of the key components of my DCC shelf switching (and eventual continuous layout, I've decided!) show-ready, modular railway layout is the possibility to not only control it 'live' but also using a computer.

This means, in my case, being able to schedule IR signals from a computer. I realise that there are other ways to do this, but this appeals to my inner geek, so it is the approach I have chosen, at least for now.

There's a bunch of things that you'll need if you want to play along on this journey:
  • an IR transceiver (I chose one from the IguanaWorks)
  • the LIRC or WinLIRC software (I have both, instructions here are for WinLIRC)
  • a DCC, IR controlled model railway (mine happens to be a Piko Digital)
The first thing to to is install the IR transceiver. The IguanaWorks kit comes with nothing; the drivers and software must be downloaded from their site. The Windows drivers come in a self-installing executable, which must be done before the transceiver is plugged into the USB port!

The key to using this specific piece of equipment is to remember to always start the daemon software, which communicates with the USB connected hardware.

Next up is to install WinLIRC - and that just requires unpacking the archive to the hard drive. There are several steps that could follow, but for now, the WinLIRC software can be roundly ignored, as the Piko Digi-Fern controller needs to be set up.

Luckily that's pretty easy :
  • start the IR daemon (found in the IguanaWorks install folder)
  • in a 'cmd' window (Start->Run, enter cmd and hit enter) locate the WinLIRC folder
  • type, without quotes, "IRRecord.exe -f -d IguanaPlugin.dll ..\piki-digi-fern.cfg"
Then, just follow the instructions, and five minutes later, a config file is created for the Piko Digi-Fern.

So, where does this leave me? Well, I can now communicate with the railroad, in theory, but I've got a sneaking suspicion that I need to either use the (Win)LIRC transmit application in a batch file, or write my own, fully functional, control center software package.

Watch this space - first I want to build the railway!

(I also have a LIRC file for fellow Piko Digi-Fern users to save you a bit of work!)

Newbie Reasons for Using DCC

The fundamental decision whether to run trains (points, signals, and so on) using DCC or analogue control is one best taken at the start of the model railway design process. In my case, I decided almost immediately that I wanted DCC for two reasons:
  • I didn't want to create track 'segments' to run multiple trains
  • I'm a geek and wanted, eventually, to move to computer control
The second of these reasons also led to choosing DCC for points and signals, when analog would have been both cheaper and easier to implement. However, this being a portable, modular, shelf switching and show-ready design, the DCC approach made more sense.

The Piko Digital system (H0, or HO, with Piko A tracks) is also controlled by an infra-red remote control, which I intend to use to prepare a computer-controlled DCC system. Now, I'm aware that there are manufacturers that can give me a box to do this, but I'm a bit of a geek and want to build my own from the ground up:
  • IguanaWorks IR transmitter/receiver
  • Arduino Uno programmable sensor/activator unit
  • PC-software design and control
I'll keep you posted as these things become a reality!